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29 January 2018
Åsger - Sirens Of The Sunless Realm


    Allegedly stationed in Germany and always clad in a black hoodie that doesn't show much of his face, Åsger is of a sort who prefer to conceal the identity and focus people's attention on their productions instead. Understandable, admirable tendency even, because let's face it—the more you know about a musician the more it affects how you perceive their music. But we would be amiss not to mention that Åsger had surfaced in 2017 and has been appearing on different label with each release published, which points to two simple facts—firstly, that his music is in acceptance and demand, and secondly, that this third EP of his is also his first appearance on Variant Electronic.

    Leading with foreboding soundscapes achieved by manipulating vintage synths and subtle layers of clicks, beatless opener Synthesis 1.0 sets an undeniably dark and mysterious tone which the Sirens Of The Sunless Realm will follow closely and build upon. Running at 127 BPM, low-range emphasized TRBLNC DST places a bet on heavily throbbing, abysmal kicks seated so low it wouldn't be hard to imagine them coming from a place where Hades usually spends his time as opposed to acoustic systems right nearby; the atmosphere is then taken to an even less illuminated space by an engagement of uncannily low-passed hats, cascading acidic droning and a repeated vocal sample carved out of a haunting nightmare starring a vague, indeterminable figure who loves to express his affection by hiding in shadows and calling upon the name of whoever's turn it is to sleep. While the following piece elevates the tempo to 136 BPM, this property hardly makes it less of a terror score for the moment of hopelessness; utilizing hardcore-redolent kicks, more prominent hats that run at 16/16 and spooky pads that rise up and fall down gradually, Martyrio achieves constant tension so gripping that it will feel in an odd way cathartic to have it end when it does. As Omega Orionis slows down to 130 BPM, it also lets go of the previous number's intensity—but only comparatively, because its kicks still give off a level of pressure high enough to make subwoofers plead for mercy, as it is the low range that once again will suffer the most abuse in contrast to relatively unscathed treble occupied by mellow, clicky hats, making rounds against washes of majestic ambiance and white noise.

    Hellish as these Sirens wail, given how Åsger's style has been developing it would be reasonable to assume that the producer will strive for sounds even more infernal, so if listening to this EP doesn't reshape your mindspace into The Sunless Realm already, this shadowy musician will make it happen eventually.

Words by rhetor.


Release Type: EP

Release Date: 29 January 2018

Release Format: Digital

Record LabelCatalog: Variant Electronic • VE026

Purchase Links: BandcampBeatportJunodownload


Category: Reviews
| Added by: rhetor
| Tags: 2018, Variant Electronic, EP, Åsger, Techno